سال نو، فرصتی نو!  20% تخفیف ویژه کلاس‌های زبان رادتایم

معیار نمره دهی در قسمت دوم IELTS Speaking

معیار نمره دهی

در قسمت دوم آزمون Speaking آیلتس،‌ ممتــــــحن از شما می خواهد که در مورد موضوع داده شده یک تا دو دقیقه صحبت کنید. آیا می دانید معیار نمره دهی شما در این قسمت چگونه است؟

بر اساس معیارهای ارزیابی آیلتس، نمره Speaking داوطلبین بر مبنای ۵ مورد بررسی می شود.

  • روان بودن و انسجام کلامـــــی؛ جملات داوطلب چقدر روان بوده و به چه نحو جملات و ایده ها به هم ارتباط داده شده.
  • منابع واژگانی؛ چطور داوطلب از لغات برای بیان منظور خود استفـــــاده می کند.
  • صحت و تنوع گرامری؛ داوطلب به چه صورت از گرامر استفاده می کند و تا چه میزان گرامر صحیح و متنوع در جملات خود استفاده می کند.
  • تلفـــــظ؛ بیان کلمات با تلفظ صحیح همراه با آوای کلامی در جملات تا چه میزان صحیح می باشد.
  • ارتباط؛ آیا جواب داوطلب مرتبط با سوال پرسیده می باشد یا خیر.

فهمیدن این موضوع در تئوری مشکل بوده؛ به همین خاطر برای درک بهتر به نمونه ای در قسمت دوم توجــــه فرمایید.

در ابتدا، موضــــوع کارت را با هم می بینیم:

Describe an invention that has had an impact on your life.
You should say
When it was invented
What it does
How it has affected your life
and explain the effect you think this invention has on society as a whole.

You are now going to listen to a candidate giving a short talk on this topic. As you listen, make notes on the candidate’s performance under the five headings above: Speaking fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, relevance. you might want to listen to the recording more than once.

Compare your findings with an examiner’s

We asked an IELTS examiner to comment on the candidate’s performance. Read on to see what he said.

نتیجه عملکرد دانشجو

The candidate keeps going. He never has to search for a word and always has a replacement word as good as the word he needs. He gets a good mark for fluency in speaking.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy
In some areas in his speaking, he displays a high degree of grammatical competence, for example his use of the past perfect and ‘had to’ as the simple past of ‘must’. Tenses generally good. Problems with relative clauses, ‘the fax machine is something that it would be soon forgotten’.

Reasonably accurate, but some problems, ‘put into commerce’ for ‘became available’, ‘fun’ for ‘funny’, ‘came over’ for ‘took over’, ‘hard paper’ for ‘hard copy’. But some nice idiomatic language, ‘the dear old fax machine’. Generally scores well on vocabulary in his speaking.

I had no problems understanding him. I can hear an accent, but it doesn’t interfere with comprehension. There was not one word that I didn’t understand, or which made me pause to think.


Why is this useful?
Listening to and grading another candidate helps you to understand what the examiner is looking for. Now try it yourself. This will help you to identify the areas where you need to improve in your speaking.

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