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Managing Conflict


این پادکست با عنوان Managing Conflict مناسب سطح Upper-intermediate میباشد. امیدوارم از این پادکست British Council لذت ببرید. با موسسه زبان رادتایم همراه باشید.

Managing Conflict

Mike: OK, Craig and Gavin, I realise that there have been some problems between you recently, and I’d like to try and sort them out right now. Gavin, can you tell me why you think this problem has arisen now?

Gavin: You’re asking me!? I really have no idea. I mean, I came into this job a year ago with a special project to do … I had a very positive attitude, I was excited about it and Craig’s just blocked me all along …

Craig: Well, that’s not fair at all, that’s just not true!

Mike: OK, OK, one second. Can everyone speak one at a time, please! Gavin, go on …

Gavin: Well, that’s about it really. I’ve never felt as if I’ve been welcomed here. I mean, when I walk into the office, the others don’t even say hello to me …

Craig: That’s just not true! It’s you who doesn’t say hello!

Mike: Craig, please! Gavin, can you tell me why you think this situation may have arisen?

Gavin: Well, as I said, I’ve really no idea. Perhaps it’s just my style – I’m very positive, energetic and outgoing, while everyone else here seems to be half-asleep …

Mike: Erm, listen, I don’t think that personal, judgemental comments like that help. Can we just stick to facts rather than opinions?

Gavin: OK. Well, I could see right away that some changes needed making here, so I set about making those changes …

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Mike: And was that part of your job description?

Gavin: Job description! Job description! That’s all I ever hear round here …That’s the problem with this place … there’s no initiative, no energy …

Mike: Hmm, OK. Craig, would you like to tell us what you feel the problem is?

Craig: Well, I think it’s quite clear isn’t it? Him! That’s it!

Mike: OK, as I said, can we keep away from personal comments here, and stick to talking about the workplace …

Craig: Well, I am talking about the workplace! He doesn’t respect the limits of what he’s supposed to do … He came in here for a one-year project, but has then tried to change the way everyone else works as well …

بیشتر بخوانید :

بهترین آموزشگاه زبان انگلیسی در تهران

بهترین کلاس آیلتس در غرب تهران

بهترین کلاس آنلاین آیلتس

بهترین مجموعه آیلتس

بهترین آموزشگاه زبان در غرب تهران

بهترین کلاس آنلاین آیلتس

بهترین مجموعه آیلتس

Mike: Gavin? Can you respond to that?

Gavin: Well, my project involved everyone else. It was impossible to do what I had to do without getting other people to rethink the way they work.

Mike: OK, I think that personality issues are crucial here.

Gavin/Craig: (murmurs of agreement)

Mike: Personality issues are the most difficult thing to change. Perhaps we’ll never be able to resolve them. You are different people with different personalities and different ways of working.

Gavin: And so?

Mike: Well, that doesn’t mean the problem can’t be solved. We have to be flexible, accept change and be tolerant of difference.

Craig: Easy to say!

Mike: Well, yes, it is easy to say … but difficult to do! I don’t deny that. However, what we need to do is review your project, and look at everyone’s roles and responsibilities in the project and in this organisation as a whole. If everyone sticks to and respects other people’s roles and responsibilities, then we can at least settle on a good, constructive working atmosphere.

امیدوارم از پادکست امروز با عنوان Managing Conflict لذت برده باشید.

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